How To Win a Pageant
1. Winning Little Miss –Practice

Winning little miss beauty pageant requires lots of practice. Winning little miss beauty pageant is not at all difficult once you know what to do. These tips apply to any other child beauty pageant contest out there. If you are serious about winning little miss beauty pageant or any other pageant then this is for you. The question is how bad do you as a contestant want it? Follow these tips, put them to work for you and thank me later.
These present day pageant contests are tough. And, with the bars being so high, you definitely need that extra know-how if you want to stand out and take home that crown. After reading this article, I hope you will have gained enough great information which you will be able to use to win your next pageant.
2. Walk With Confidence and Style
So how does the contest work? Well, there will be rounds where you will be judged on your communication skills, your facial expression (smile) your self confidence (especially when you do your pageant walk. Every body walks the same – be the one that stands out and dance instead. The pageant walk is the best place to be a show off so trot your stuff in style), and of course there are other other minor details. You will get a chance to show your talent to the judges, as well as participate in the interview which is huge. Practice in your mirror or have some family interview you to help you with eye contact, poise- (some people don’t know how to sit in a chair). Be sure to have all bases covered before entering a beauty pageant.
Child Pageants in New York, California and other states are held every summer as well as the fall and in these pageant child competition, beauty pageant child contestants receive scores in these categories: 30% for Personal Introduction in interview suit,30% for formal wear with escort,30% for interview with Judges, and 30% for Community Involvement on pageant weekend etc. Now, the Judges are looking for a cheerful, (which means you have to smile constantly),self confident, brave, and well mannered girls to crown. State queens represent their state at the nationals, as well as meet with state government officials and other celebrities. The winner should be able to communicate professionally, confidently and have the courage to walk up and introduce herself.
Every beauty pageant company wants to be represented by a great spokesperson. That’s what the personal introduction is all about – being able to courageously walk up on stage, introduce yourself, say where you are from, and let others know of your plans for the future. You see, these days beauty pageants do not solely focus on outward appearances but on inner beauty as well. Doing exceptionally well in the communication aspect of the pageant will get you closer to the crown as the interview round is by far the most focused and important part of the pageant competition. Click pageant interview tips for sample pageant interviews.
4. Winning Little Miss – Make Eye Contact
You have to be brave and maintain eye contact with the Judges always. You must always keep your eyes on the person you are talking too. If you can’t look people in the eye, look at their forehead while conversing with them. That works! The eye contact is a Biggy. You have to be focused and decisive. Saying that your ambition or goal is to be a doctor, lawyer, or teacher or something is the wrong way to go. Saying instead that, my goal is to be a Doctor because I want to make other people well works as it shows that you know what you want and that you are not all over the place. Keep it short , sweet and decisive as your overall goal is to bring out your natural confidence while you smile and make eye contact with the Judges.
5. Winning Little Miss–Poise
In addition to self confidence, and ease in talking to adults, Judges will score you on poise. So, during your interview you want to maintain good eye contact. Sit in the front half of the chair away from the back of the chair. Your back should not be touching the back of the chair. It may feel uncomfortable but, that manner of sitting gives you a solid poised appearance. Good manners take people far. Judges appreciate good morning with a smile, thanks with a smile, please with a smile, and its nice to meet you (with a smile). Notice how many times smile is repeated here? Well, because smiling plays an important role . So practice using your manners and always smile; your mama did not teach you good manners for nothing. Remember presentation and communication skills are what the Judges want to recognize and encourage most.
6. Winning Little Miss –Presentation
Presentation is big. Be careful in your choice of clothing. A nice suit for interviews will do just fine. Dress like you are going on a job interviews. For your gown, a dress similar to a first communion or flower girl wedding dress will do. Any old dress will not cut it. DO NOT wear hats, gloves, purses, glitzy or rhinestone outfits unless its a glitz pageant. The whole idea is to dress formal. This is not the time to dress down nor be shy. Always keep your eyes on the person you are talking too. If you can’t look people in the eye, look at their forehead as that also works because eye contact is very important.
7.Watch Your Manners
Good manners will take anyone very far. Judges appreciate the words good morning or good evening accompanied with a smile. Thanks with a smile, please with a smile, and its nice to meet you (with a smile). Notice how many times smile is repeated here because smiling is of utmost importance . So use your manners and smile; your mama did not teach you good manners for nothing.
8. Positive Attitude – Self Esteem
Braces, glasses, skin problems, varying heights, and many other conditions are all just part of being young. The judges give scores based on where they are in life, just the way they are. What you, as a contestant need to concentrate on is doing your best and remembering to maintain a positive attitude . SMILE and do the best with what you have! If you can develop and apply a positive attitude now, it will benefit you through your whole life. You must have faith and confidence in yourself as that will definitely pave your way for success in life. Put your self in the Judges’ shoes. Would you hand the crown to someone who is shy ,boring, scared, has poor self image, always morbid, and don’t know how to act their age? I think not! Companies do have an image to maintain and in this world, the best gets to be the winners. So, believe in yourself, be brave, true, cheerful, and courageous and you will reap hefty rewards. Get your lifestyle into a strict routine. Commit to a sleeping pattern. Exercise daily and keep your body in great shape. Sticking to a proper diet is very important as this will help you look your best and stay healthy.
Some pageants add grades to their registration form. You should know by now that good grades are important. You always want to excel in school and strive to do your best . Don’t let bad grades be the deciding factor when it comes to crowning. Always be on top of your game and learn as much as you can.
9.Community Service
Where are you in giving back to the community? You are never too small to make a difference and just about all pageant Queens participate in some form of volunteer work. You may want to explore the idea of giving yourself and time to some worthy cause. Not only is it a gratifying feeling but, it will score you points in the process. You can volunteer at your church, nursing home or school. Organize a clothing drive or book drive . Giving back to the community without expecting anything in return speaks volumes and Judges are impressed by such deeds also. So go make a difference already! Remember part of your scores come from Community Involvement.
10. Coach Help
Hiring a pageant coach is expensive but; many who have enlisted the help of a coach claim that having a Coach is a great asset. Many pageant winners had pageant coaches. Pageant coaches have a wealth of knowledge and advice which can help greatly. If you are unable to hire a coach then familiarize yourself with what to expect the pageant to be by viewing DVDs, books, or past pageant tapes. Knowing what to expect will make your experience less stressful and easier. You will have more fun and be better prepared.
So whether its your first or second pageant you want to nail it. Whatever you do, it’s up to you. These are proven tips that work and will work for you if you implement them so, if you are really serious (I’ve been to many pageants and observe contestants who would rather be some where else. )about winning that crown then ready your whole being right now. You see, pageants cost money, time ,and energy. And the days leading to pageant week can be very overwhelming and exhausting but in the end the pay off is huge. So ready your self and go get that crown and title with the mindset of a winner. Be sure to comment below whether winning little miss beauty pageant tips was of any help to you.
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