Pageant Queen: I don’t know of anyone who takes part in a pageant not expecting to win pageant Queen title. It is the ultimate victory . Winning the title of pageant Queen opens the door to numerous opportunities. With hard work, lots of determination, and self confidence pageant queen wins are always within reach.

I found book on the topic of pageant queen secrets. I like this book because it helps pageant contestants to prepare mentally, provides tips on how to go after their dreams, and encourages young girls to hold fast to their beliefs and convictions. The name of the book is Creating Queens Secrets in Pageantry. Here is an excerpt:
DISCOVERING YOUR “WHY” Ask anyone who has ever competed in a pageant, why they decided to compete in the first place, and you will get various responses. Some will attribute their desire to compete as a dream come true for them, while others know they have a mission to fulfill and pageantry feels like the perfect opportunity for them to share their passions of giving back to their community. Purpose is such a driving force when it comes to pursuing a goal such as winning a pageant competition, because the emotions of our “why” often get so entangled with our thoughts, that it is difficult not only to decipher our thoughts but it becomes difficult to articulate them into words that will not only make sense to us, but allow a complete stranger to understand as well. After all, if you cannot effectively communicate to a judge the reason you entered your pageant or more importantly, the reason you believe you make the best person for the job, then you have entered that judges interview room completely unprepared.
Pageant Queen :A Dream Come True
Many of us have dreams of wearing a crown and winning a pageant, as we can remember vivid a time in our childhood when we watched beauty pageants on television. The dream of having a beautiful sparkling crown placed on your head and that glamorous banner draped across our shoulder has been a vision that so many of us carry from childhood into adulthood.
Even though we are now experiencing the journey as an adult, we still see that vision and dream through the eyes of a child. The reality of this dream is that if you attempt to achieve this goal seeking it through those childhood eyes and emotions, it will always escape your grasp. Why? Because as a child, we view these opportunities as something of “luck” that happens to the prettiest, the most talented, and the most glamorous contestant. When the reality of any competition is that a crown is often won before a contestant even walks into an interview room. Whenever I tell my queens this, there is always a long pause as they attempt to understand the power of that statement.

When I began competing in pageants as an adult becoming pageant Queen was my goal: I promised myself that I would win a state, national, and international pageant. I knew on a soul level that I had the ability and the will to accomplish this hefty task, so I chose not to share this goal with anyone until I finally accomplished my final goal. Why? Because I knew that this was such a lofty goal, I didn’t want anyone else to compromise my faith and my drive to accomplish these three goals. I understood at that time that people will often share their fears and attempt to have another adopt them, rather than support any endeavors that they were not able to accomplish themselves. It is not a malicious act, I believe it is because if one person is not able to climb a mountain, they will spend hours trying to convince you that you can’t as well.

Rather than sharing your goal to climb the highest mountain, I suggest you share it with someone who has not only climbed that mountain, but encourages others to do so as well. They will be able to share with you the tools that made them successful and want to see you achieve your dreams. How many dreams have been prematurely laid to rest because the dreamer stopped believing in their own ability to climb the mountain? Your dreams never die…. only your ability to believe in them does, so please be cautious who you share your dreams with.
They are fragile and have the ability to shatter into millions of tiny pieces that someday you may find yourself unable to restore. When you know your “why” then you will be able to deflect the fears of those who were not able to achieve their own dreams, and quite possibly you may be the inspiration that was needed for them to believe in their own dreams once again. Identify your goal…create a plan of action….and don’t stop until you have accomplished that goal. That is truly the key to winning a pageant or achieving any goal in life that you desire! Keep those dreams very close to your heart and when you have accomplished them, share with those around you how you were able to achieve your goals so, you can share your tools of success with those around you. There is no greater gift than inspiring, encouraging, and empowering others to achieving their own personal best. Karma is a beautiful thing….pay it forward!
Why is it important to know your “why?”
Knowing your goal allows you to create a plan of action that will uncover steps towards achieving your desired outcome. If you understand the reason you are competing then, you will not allow another person, director, or coach to dissuade you from your passions.
You will remain focused with your energy, actions, and will utilize your time to create your plan of achieving your goal of becoming pageant Queen rather than allowing yourself to get distracted. Now that you can take some moments and discover what your primary goal is for competing in your pageant, you need to write it down and take some time each and every day to connect with your goal and take the necessary steps to achieving that goal of becoming pageant queen one step at a time.
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