National American Miss Legit Or Fake
National American Miss Pageant is legit. It is the real deal. Well today, I receive a referral letter in the mail for my nine year old daughter. It’s an invitation letter from National American Miss Pageant to an open call and free photo shoot. So, for all you skeptics out there, who believe that National American Miss is fraud; see for yourself. Below is a picture of the official letter from an official business. I know it’s real because, when my daughter was 14 years of age, she took part in the NAMISS pageant. Every year the pageant is held in different states and some lucky young ladies walk away with modeling contracts, the crown, monetary gifts, trophies, and more.
Is National American Miss Legit
Let me shed some light. For someone who has been a pageant mom; I can assure you that the National American Miss Pageant application is genuine. National American Miss is as real as they come. Yes! it is legit. Some people claim that it’s fraudulent but can’t produce evidence to support their claim. As a regular pageant attendee and parent of a past pageant contestant in this child pageant allow me to put your doubts, fears, and concerns to rest. Who would you rather believe? Someone who has been there and experienced it, or someone on the sidelines who is clueless and just repeats what he or she hears?
What Is NAM Pageant
First and foremost, National American Miss pageant is a legitimate business with the goal of helping young ladies feel good about themselves. They help foster, build and empower young girls for life. Through one to one interviews girls learn the art of communication, self confidence and how to be poise. They walk away with a wealth of knowledge that they will need through out their lives. So, when you receive that application in the mail addressed to your daughter claiming that, someone referred her; it’s all true. You see, that’s one of the ways the company recruits prospective pageant contestants.
Sometimes, your neighbor’s child may be in pageants and she may list your daughter’s name and address without her knowledge. In addition, one of the activities of the pageant is for girls to provide names and addresses of other girls. The girl that provides the most names is acknowledged and given a special prize so, the next time an application arrives in the mail with your daughter’s name, bear in mind that this is not some kind of hoax, fraud or scheme. It is genuine.
If people would take the time to read the letter, they would learn how they were discovered in the first place as the letter always indicates the name of the contestant who referred that child. Sometimes, it could be a long time friend or your child’s Kindergarten friend, whom you may not know. She compiles a list of many names as she possibly can in order to win a prize. These days, a girl does not need a referral to participate in this particular child pageant as for her convenience an online version is available.
This child pageant is not like the typical pageants out there. Whenever people hear of pageants immediately they associate it with skinny bodies, pretty faces, and long hair; which may very well be the criteria. However, that’s not the case with this child pageant as, they do not even permit the wearing of lip gloss. There is no swim suit category and every girl gets a chance to participate. From my experience as a pageant mom and attendee, I don’t think any girl is rejected as, every girl is given a chance to compete for the title, crown, and monetary prizes.
Every year, the pageant is held in nearly every state across the United States. This year the pageant in NYC will be from Aug 12 – 15 for girls 4 – 20 years old. Unlike other pageants, where the focus is primarily on outward beauty, this child beauty pageant helps girls to unleash their hidden potential. All through pageant week, girls get the opportunity to increase their self-confidence and boost their communication skills as they interact with girls of their age and Judges during one to one interviews.
My daughter took part in the pageant because some one from church referred her. We had no indication that some one from church was into pageants let alone any knowledge of the glitz and glamour happening in our own backyard. My daughter was excited and felt elated. She had no experience nor prior training. She never took an acting or modeling class. Our knowledge of pageants was limited to what we saw on television. We never thought that one day we would be offered the opportunity to bask in the glitz.
On television, the competition seemed brutally fierce as, all the girls were very pretty and of a certain built. To me, it appeared that this was the criteria so when my daughter expressed interest well ,I tried to talk her out of it indirectly by asking are you really sure you want to do this? Based on her reply I had too. My daughter was heavy, her hair was short and she wore glasses. All girls on television pageants were quite the opposite. They appeared like they were born to play that role. So I told her in very few words without giving rise to a complex that ” this is way out your league.” But her mind was set.
We filled out the application and mailed it back with a recent photo and a $20 non refundable fee. She was accepted and national American miss cost and the hard work began. We received magazines with detailed information, program highlights, dates, sponsor fees, competitions, prizes, pageant venue, information on what to wear and activities for pageant weekend. Now a college student, she still pulls out her program book and reminiscences about her pageant days with feelings of nostalgia.
So, if you’re still wondering whether National American Miss Pageant is legit then, you can rest assured it is. The prints on the above pic may be small but , this is official. This is as real as it can possibly get. So, the next time you receive an invite in the mail for your child, you may want to sleep on it before tossing it into the trash because namiss pageant is legit.
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